Rule of the Mountain EP
Track 01: Dark Defeats The Day
Track 02: Rule of the Mountain
Track 03: Remorse & Reconciliation
Rule of the Mountain EP was recorded from live recording sessions in an airless box on the 18th floor of a Sydney hotel. The contrast of surroundings from living in a small coastal town to visiting a major metropolis mirrored the contrast of the natural open generosity of the human spirit to the mean neoliberal negligent rulers fucking things up royally around the world. Dante’s Purgatorio, part two of his Divine Comedy, describes two types of people on the lower slopes – the Excommunicate and the Late-Repentant. A component of the Late Repentant are the Negligent Rulers.
What has made the Negligent Rulers of our world lose their light? For all our sakes I hope they do not become the Late-Repentant.
Raw video from Archive.org & underwater clips from the David Hannan Media Legacy http://www.oceanarkalliance.org.au/david-hannan-media-legacy/ used with permission. Help them save the Reef: http://www.oceanarkalliance.org.au/make-a-donation/
February 2017