Bene Gesserit

The esteemed Bene Gesserit Nursery is back!

Bene Gesserit House Nurseries collective returns this year with another in a series of nights of dark ambient/Avant garde live film score. The marriage and interaction of film to music. This time featuring the improvised sound and vision ‘for dystopian meditations’ of artist Abre Ojos alonside the vast dark of Rotteur, the audio/visual artist Shane Reynolds and new collaboration/hunting party of Ben Taylor and Luke Dyball. ‘Hunt Hunter’ (featuring hunt footage by artist Eliza Dyball) Presented for the first time at Loop – the house nursery opens it’s incubators to public once again on the 2nd june in it’s third year of gestation/conception – 2010.

Wednesday 2 June from 8.00pm at Loop Project Art Space & Bar
23 Meyers Place Melbourne CBD