Spiral Galaxy DVD
The project using the images of Marek Dobiecki is completed and is sealed with the DVD release of Spiral Galaxy. The DVD has 3 tracks giving just over 66 minutes of sound and vision. The three tracks are:
- NGC1313 Spiral Galaxy in Reticulum
- NGC2835 Spiral Galaxy in Hydra
- NGC1313 Live at Electundra Festival 2009
Hydra and Reticulum are new videos while the live video was recorded back in November of last year at the Electundra Festival at Loop Bar. The DVD gives you all three tracks in full screen 16:9 DVD quality with full uncompressed audio to let the entire frequency range loose. As usual if you pop the DVD in your computer you’ll find 320khz MP3 versions of all the tracks for your fav audio device.
The DVD is a hand numbered limited edition of 50.
Cost is $15USD including postage to anywhere in the world via Paypal. For the first 20 orders I’m also including some limited edition postcards of the Geometers print series.