Gates – New LP – Dual CD/DVD Australian release

abreojos_gates_digital_cover I’m pretty proud to announce a new full length release Gates. It’s the first LP for me on a label and because of the awesome label headsĀ  this one is a dual CD and DVD release.
The Abre Ojos project has always been an audio-visual project, exploring the connection between sound and visuals and trying to compose both simultaneously. My fear of going to a label was that they would say “nah, CD release only”, which is only half of what AO is all about.

So to have found a label to who understands that and supports both halves is so fucking awesome I have to use expletives!

It has been professionally mastered by the Secrets of Giza Team and is a terrific package. You can get a peek at the cover artwork here: Gates Artwork (2mb PDF).

Gates will start shipping here in Australia the week of the 19th August 2013, it is limited to 100 copies, for the US based of you shipping is a measly $4 and the album is $20 for the dual disc package, international shipping is a bit more.

For international release on the 13th May 2014 you can pre-order Gates from the label direct Secrets Of Giza


Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years, you have made it possible to keep slogging on behind the dials and patch cables! Special thanks to my wonderful family who deal with me locked away for hours and days in the studio!